Tuesday, October 7, 2014

First steps towards a new journey..

First off calm yourselves before crucifying me for the use of the word “fat”. I know what I am I am not curvy, I am past chubby, I am fat and my health reflects it. Like carrying my purse to the back of Walmart to buy a dvd was hell on my lungs.
Yeah I walk daily-ish. Yes I used to do the gym (sometimes) but it wasn't effective because I don’t know what the heck I am doing. I didn't sweat when I worked out, I pranced on a treadmill, huffed on a stair master, and used an arm machine with like zilch weight. Like I said super ineffective for any results.
So operation let’s not die because I live a horrible healthy and wellness life style went into effect two months ago.
Two months ago I started a clean eating adventure. I learned I did not drink enough water. Which isn't a big surprise since it was more common to see me with sweet tea in my glass than anything else. I didn't understand portion control, I am the woman who makes an eight pound lasagna.  I thought looking at this 21 day cleaning eating deal that i was going to starve and that I wasn't going to feel any different. However I did I felt my energy leveI change my face cleared up (score!) I lost a few inches. I was pretty damn excited. I will say I will never understand who thought the best idea on the planet was to pair sweet potato and ground turkey.
So I wanted more results vanity pushed me look for the second phase of a healthier lifestyle journey. Maybe you aren't supposed to say that, but it’s the truth. I want to get back into straight sizes and I would love a better selection on the clearance rack, at the outlets, on sales. I would love for my toes not to hurt when wearing my tall heels. Damn I miss my tall heels.
The second step was joining crossfit gym. I joined a month ago, and I am literally so glad that I made this invested in this lifestyle change. Its hard it is the hardest thing I have EVER done, but it is seriously the most awesome thing as well. I am not the fastest and I am not the strongest by any means. But let me tell you…( heh I just heard a very southern I TELL YOU WUT in my head) I can now go up and down my stairs I can walk around my backpack loaded and not be completely winded. I dropped a flippen size already guys like seriously I sat down in my fitting room and cried.

I am excited to continue this journey. More updates later.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Going back to school

I wish I had taken school more seriously when i was younger.

I would be done with my undergrad would and would be complaining about grad school instead. But i didnt so now i am hustling through this work trying to price all the naysayers wrong that i can do this. I can go on to the next step of my career.

I am an online learner and you get people who think your education is sub par to theirs and those are the people i want to surpass in my field.

I have my eyes on the prize currently my ideal choice for grad school is currently Boston University thinking about getting my masters through them makes my heart race a million miles an hour.

I know that its all in time and when that time comes no one will take it away from me.